Showing posts with label objectives. Show all posts
Showing posts with label objectives. Show all posts

Tuesday 3 February 2015

New Years marketing resolutions already busted?

Small Business Marketing Objectives

Wow.... its already February and some of my own 2015 business objectives are well on the way to becoming a reality (yay me!) .... but there are a few that AHEM* seem to have been pushed this blog (*awkwaRD*)

So many times we start the new year with really clear goals and laser focus on what we want to achieve... then all of a sudden we find our selves sitting behind our desk counting the days until the Easter holidays.... you hearing me? 
But losing your marketing mojo isn't the end of the just means you have to (once again) REFOCUS and get your mind back to improving your small business, making your goals more realistic, more business specific and in some cases.....less alcohol derived hahahaha 
So how can you get  back on track and maintain the motivation to make 2015 the year that you wanted it to be?... here are 3 things that can improve your success in meeting your small business marketing objectives in 2015... 

1. Fix the problem child

Small Business Marketing Goals
What part of your small business marketing is under performing? What was the marketing thorn in your side in 2014? Time to look at it through fresh eyes, spend some time analysing the root of the problem and find a solution!

Break off the ties that bound you in 2014 so that you can start working with a schedule that provides more time for marketing that will work, or have the ability to grow at a greater rate. Prune the dead wood so that new growth can emerge.... no fruit grows on a dead branch and watering a dead plant is simply a waste of time. Letting go of an aspect of your marketing can be hard, especially when it may have been your pet project, but harden up and make the tough call.....every part of your small business must provide a return on investment (ROI) within a realistic time frame...if it isn't...don't let it take up all your time and affect projects that will have more impact!

2. Create something new

What projects can you start developing to get your marketing mojo back on track? With some extra time in your schedule from fixing the problem child... get to work creating a new project.... get a new marketing campaign planned for your social media accounts... keep it something that you haven't tried before to reinvigorate your creative side. Having a new "toy" will have positive flow on affects into your regular everyday work..... get refreshed creatively and take your small business ahead with something innovative.    

3. Keep moving Forward

Small Business Marketing Goals
Each step gets you closer to your goals.... look at your current marketing objectives and remind yourself of the awesome feeling you will get when at the end of the year all your marketing goals have been met and that you achieved what you set out to do. 
Keeping on track is much harder than simply setting the course, marketing strategy demands that you adapt and adjust your plans in order to meet your goals.... A plane landing at an airport cannot move the runway....but it CAN change direction and adjust to the conditions so that it lands successfully.... 

Unless you have set totally unrealistic goals...don't move your goal posts  so that you can achieve them more easily.....think outside the box...innovate and create an environment and conditions that will allow you every chance to meet your marketing objectives. 

So get inspired...your plans for 2015 can be salvaged with some refocus and strategic thinking.
Don't get discouraged and give up on your plans, a bit of determination might result in huge results to celebrate at the end of the year. 

I would love to hear how you have kept yourself motivated and on target to reach your marketing goals in the past or for this year.... feel free to comment below and share your experiences with everyone....We also post small business marketing tips and advice regularly on Facebook so don't be a stranger, if you like the blog our Facebook posts shouldn't be missed.    

local business, marketing, marketing help, marketing tips, small business