Wednesday 5 November 2014

My First Blog

It has begun

So ive finally bit the bullet and started my blog...Its all about marketing ....small business marketing to be exact... tips to improve your small business....

Who am i

My name is Jason Banister
Im 37 yo
i live in Lismore, NSW, Australia...
im married...and have 4 awesome kids....
im a marketing guy.... who also plays drums professionally

A few things to point out

No one is perfect.... im far from it (just ask my wife) i may sometimes miss a spelling mistake...OOPS....i do value grammar and proper sentence structure... but i really love placing these dots into my emails and now this blog..... because its quicker... 

The other thing i do that may drive you crazy is using a lower case "I" self esteem is perfectly fine so lets not get all phsyco-analytical over it.......i just dont see the importance in hitting shift half way through a sentence...once again it slows me down.

So why small business marketing?

At school you wouldnt pick me as a marketing consultant... on the contrary... i was (and still am) a bit alternative to include myself into the business world. But ive always been interested in how large corporations "sell" to us.... and why we buy...

so deep a sceptic observer of capitalism....who likes to wear business suits on occasions... 

But the more ive worked in marketing ive realised its all about the customer...and why we buy what we buy...... large corporations have millions to market their products to us...they automate their processes and reduce their customers to a "number" to make things more efficient...thats how things work on a large scale...thats fine with me...i can still sleep at night.....

but small business KILLS the corporate goliath everyday through personalised service...they have far less money available for marketing but they need it to be competitive...

So i choose to help small business make the most of what they have...i know that the difference between surviving and marketing.

Its all about your customers

I remember as a young apprentice chef, an owner once told me to look after the customers because they ultimately pay your rent.... he was right... without customers a business is dead in the water...working in the hospitality industry showed me how important everything a business does is important to its success.... its the little things that add up to make a business...

SO how do we get customers through the doors??    and more do we keep them???...the answer is different for each and every business... what works for one business may not work for another... there is no one size fits all....and certainly no magic formula that you use for marketing success...

What this blog will deliver

this blog will provide you with tips and insights into making your small business more competitive and more successful.....not everything that i post will be directed at your industry...but it will be relevent to small business in general.... this blog is here to make you think about your marketing, provide my opinion on certain aspects of marketing that i love and hate and give you ways to improve your marketing piece by piece...we want small business to be successful....and we want to provide you the marketing information and support to do it...because...

  "Your success is our success"

Define Design Deliver is a Small Business Marketing Company Basedin Lismore,NSW, Australia. For more information on what we do,  feel free to visit us online at